welcome to journey collective

your uniqueness is your superpower

personal coaching sessions

Coaching and guidance to help you set and achieve your relationship goals, whether they're related to your marraige, dating, parenthood, or personal growth.

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boutique destination retreats

Take a transformative vacation and replace negative habits with positive ones, helping you become more productive, confident, and in control of your life.

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online courses for individuals and couples

Unlock your full potential. I'll guide you through the Penny-Jones Method and empower you to overcome obstacles and become the best version of yourself.

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your relationship is worth it!


Enhance Communication: Say goodbye to misunderstandings and hello to effective communication. Couples coaching equips you with the tools to express your thoughts and feelings openly and honestly. Learn Emotional Response-Ability™ techniques and discover the power of empathetic attunement , ensuring that you truly understand each other's needs and desires.

Conflict Resolution: Every relationship faces challenges, but it's how you navigate them that truly matters. With couples coaching, you'll acquire the skills to address conflicts constructively. You'll learn to find common ground, compromise, and ultimately strengthen your bond through the trials of life.

Reignite Intimacy: Rediscover the spark that brought you together in the first place. Couples coaching helps you reignite the flames of passion and intimacy. Whether you're looking to reconnect emotionally, rekindle your physical relationship, or simply deepen your emotional bond, I will support you every step of the way.

Discovering Harmony in Your Relationship is Totally pOSSIBLE

In your journey together, you'll find that the tapestry of your connection is woven with threads of understanding, compassion, and shared moments. These elements harmonize to create a symphony of love that's uniquely yours.

Just as a skilled musician tunes their instrument, you can fine-tune your relationship to strike the chords of togetherness. Each day offers a fresh opportunity to harmonize your needs, desires, and dreams.

creatE more of what you want and less of what you don't

coaching sessions

With the right guidance and a clear integration, you have the power to chart your course and steer your ship towards a destination you truly love. Marriage isn't just about going with the flow; it's about taking the helm and choosing your own path.

intention setting

It all starts with that one crucial step – setting your intention. What do you truly desire? What are your dreams made of? Whether it's personal growth, career success, improved relationships, or inner peace, your intentions are the guiding lights that illuminate your path.

love notes





wanna getaway for a couples retreat?

Explore, Learn, and Retreat with ME

Join us on our destination retreats that are more than just getaways; they're transformative experiences. Explore breathtaking locations, connect with like-minded individuals, and indulge in self-discovery while surrounded by stunning landscapes.